First Family Photo

First Family Photo

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Elijah currently is still in the NICU due to an increase in his c reactive protein going from 2.4 to 4.8 this AM. Still well within normal range the new ped didn't want to take any chances and left him in there today to be observed. He should come out Sunday AM. He continues to do excellent. Feeding every 3 hours with now only 30 min feeds because my milk is coming in. He is doing great. Bilirubin level is low and his wbc count and other counts for infection are low. What that means is that it is unlikely Elijah will have to stay and be put on IV of our fears.
His blood culture should be back tomorrow. Please pray he does well tomorrow. His circumcision is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon and I am soooo nervous. He has been though alot.
WIll update tomorrow.

Elijah in his little cove. :)

In his cute little air plane outfit! Love it! :)

Milk Coma! :) In love with our lil baby. :) Nurse for 75 minutes at 1320.

Elijah's Birthday

I will come back and post all about the birth and what we did, but for now I want to update you on Elijah's condition...It's 330 AM on March 19 so hang with me.
He is currently at 6 pounds 14.2 ounces. He is looking super duper yellow. :( Allison did NOT look this yellow. This poor boy is having a rough start.
I will comment that he breastfeeds for 45 minutes to an hour every time I go in. He is pooping and peeing great! :) His labs came back that show sign of possible infection. They will be repeated at 8 AM...if they are still high or are trending up, Elijah will be put on an IV and given antibiotics. When it is a newborn you never want to take a chance as an infection can be deadly if not taken care of immediately.
Please pray that the hospital stays slow and that Elijah does well/responds to interventions etc.
If the hospital remains slow it allows for better care for him and a place for Philip and I to room-in so we can better take care of our son.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Milk face. :)

Lovie time after birth

Elijah's Birthday. :)

I love my girl. :)

Present's from Baby Elijah.

She put her hand out to his. Love. She said, "What's wrong with him?" Before we could even explain anything to her otherwise.

Elijah getting his first bottle feed due to droping O2 sats with breastfeeding.

Daddy and his little man

Momma...I look AWFUL! But my kiddo is cute so oh well! :)

Right after delivery

7lbs 3oz! 18.5 inches!

Last belly pic!

Monday, March 14, 2011

3 Days Left...almost over!

So at this point, I pretty much know I will be making it to my induction day! I am so ready but not a minute a sooner. Here is why...going into labor before Thurs would be extremely inconvenient! When you have a toddler and no family near I need everything set up and all planned out. The house cleanings scheduled, family coming, etc. Pretty much there is nothing left to do except get everyone here and get this kiddo out.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dr. Appt. 37 Weeks 6 Days

So here are the stats...
gained BACK the three pounds I lost...yuck!
3-4 CM dilated
70 Percent effaced
-2 Station
Here is our game plan for the induction next week:
8pm go in for induction, take an hour to get going, 9pm start pitocin, 11ish sometime after I get a nice pattern I'll get the epidural, then water breakage immediately following total numbness! :), THEN more pitocin, then HAVE A BABY! Sounds great right?
So if you want to be praying for us, pray the baby tolerates the induction well and for complete and total numbness. (which did NOT happen with Allison and I discovered natural child birth is not for me) Thankfully, I only have to go 6 more cm and he will be here.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Thirty seven weeks and four days pregnant. I really don't have much to say for once except that I am done being prego, I KNOW he is ready, and do not believe babies come when they are ready...they come when YOUR BODY DECIDES TO GO INTO LABOR. Yes you are hearing that from a person who has worked as an L and D nurse! haha
So can you tell how I am feelin?
My schedule is sorta slow for the next nine days, but I am sure when we get about two days out from the induction day I will be super busy! Labor signs come and go but nothing exciting like consistent contractions. The only dilation I am doing is prob from the kiddo's head and his weight bearing down. However, it's a super good start for the induction.
Philip's parents are planning on being here from March 17 to the 22 and my parent's arrive the 22 and leave around the 27! Should be nice and fun having everyone here to celebrates the lil bambino's birth!
I plan on posting pics asap! Like we are talking within the hour! If you are someone who is reading this and want a super quick text pic please send me a message @ and I'll add you to the text pic list!
Please keep us in your prayers. I really mean that! I can't wait to see this sweet boy's face. I don't take his birth for granted or his health and I just hope to end this pregnancy in a beautiful, healthy, and safe way! :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Few more pics...labor ready!

Cute diaper cake made for Elijah.
We are ready. I was feeling majorly nesty last night and if I go into labor everything is ready...well bags are packed, cameras charged, and we have all necessary equipment for for feeding, diaper changes (with well over 1000 diapers total I'd say we are stocked!), sleeping, bathing, and clothing. I made sure of the last thing yesterday on my shopping adventure to the outlets! I can't wait to have two baby dolls to dress up! I just thought one was fun!