First Family Photo

First Family Photo

Monday, February 28, 2011

Bible Study with Beth Moore...some GOOD words that I just have to talk about!

So Philip and I have been going to a Baptist Church, First Baptist Church of Kettering or FBK for the past year now. We really like the church and are so happy to have found "the one". :)
I started a Bible Study, in January, on Esther by Beth Moore, not knowing what I was getting myself into! :)
I am so amazed at God's PERFECT TIMING! Interestingly enough, much of the book of Esther is all about timing and how nothing is by accident. God's power is all around us and this book is filled with references and examples of this. Is is not crazy that when we started this study it was to end right around the time of my due date...just when God knew my life what about to really get crazy!

Here are somethings that within the past two days have really hit me and will help me get through the days to come and I really felt God's calling to share.
One of them is that we are WEAK...It is not by accident that we were created this way. "God knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment"...2 Peter 2:9..."He knows how we are formed, he REMEMBERS THAT WE ARE DUST" Ps. 103:14. God KNOWS US. Hello...such a simple concept, but really!
The hardest part is being patient and remembering this. As Beth Moore would say, "what are we going to do? Fret/Worry ourselves to victory!?! No! We will only fret ourselves to become frazzled!"
So I have learned that I have got to change my way of thinking and let God have the "how will this happen", to Lord, please show me the "what to do" so we do not carry that heavy load despite whatever the outcome is.
The enemy is everywhere and is always trying to tell us otherwise. He is always trying to get at me and make me live in fear that my worst fears will come true. Because of this study I know I am not alone.
I daily struggle with waking up wondering if this baby I have inside me will still be alive? How am I going to handle having two kids? I already feel like an awful mom? Will my daughter, husband, or self be injured or killed by an external force of nature? What about cancer?
I Fear, I fear, I fear.
What. Would. I. Do? Giving that to God is cliche as some would say and so much easier said than done. However, Beth Moore, has encouraged us through living with the same struggles to FACE them! The enemy WANTS us to live in fear. Beth Moore has encouraged us to say, "If this happens God, what next, okay God then that, then now what, and on and on? No matter what happens...regardless of the outcomes and whether or not those fears become reality. God NEVER LEAVES US! His grace and love is never ending. It is so simple and yet we complicate it. So for my friends and family who may have the same issues as me and deal with the daily "what if's" remember to turn them over. Tell God what you fear...He is listening and would rather you tell him then bottle it up and live with it daily!
*Can I add this in? The day we studied fear and how to deal with it, I was listening to Pandora on my iphone and the end of one of the songs, the singer whispered in the microphone, "Do Not Fear". I mean come on! You cannot tell me that was not a God thing!
Oh I am so filled! Can you tell?

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I am so excited to say that I am finally near the finish line. I can't believe that I am about to meet a baby I nearly lost at 5-12 weeks. He is truely a miracle. So now that I have all the "signs" that labor will be starting up soon I am trying to SOAK it in like I did on my wedding day. Philip and I feel complete as family after this little guy and I know I am going to miss him being inside.
Sooo here are the stats!
I have gained a whopping 28 pounds thus far!
I am about 2-3 cm dilated and"super soft" AND head down
Every little bit helps and I want the labor to be a short as possible so yay for only 7-8cm to go! :)
I have a couple of baby showers to attend today and tomorrow and will post pics soon!

**Baby Shower from work...these girls were so sweet! We got lots of essentials, clothes, sleepers, and Allison got to socialize with a friend of mine's little girl, Olivia. They are both going to be big sisters soon. It was cute seeing them brag about them each having a baby brother/baby sister soon!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

ELIJAH BREATHING! :) So awesome!

I just had to share. This morning when watching Sesame Street with Allison I noticed some familiar rapid movements only this time they were VERY pronounced! When watching feel free to turn off the kinda Abby's Flying Fairy School is pretty loud in the background. :)


Babies typically begin breathing in utero sometime in the second trimester. It's rare to be able to feel it let alone see it. An adult typically has respirations between 12-22 a minute. A normal newborn's respirations are anywhere between 36-60 per minute. His respirations are going at about 60 per minute. I am so glad I could capture this on video. I hope to get more before his birth!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

35 Week and 6 Days Officially...

This is my blog...I don't care much about punctuation. I am just freely typing and will not very often spell/grammer check. If you love me you will forgive me. :)

Well we have almost made it to the "nine months" mark. I keep getting emails reminding me on a daily basis about how the big moment is almost here. It is driving me crazy! I don't care that it's almost here and I want it to BE HERE!
So I have offically hit the mark where I am super uncomfortable and about a week earlier than last time. Here is my definition of uncomfortable.
Uncomfortable-not being able to eat ANYTHING that causes indigestion...okay were talking throat ON FIRE type nastiness. Belching...all.the.time. Ankles and feet sore from the extra load (27 pounds if you wanna know), the daily panic I feel when I go to inspect my stomach for a stretch mark...I just KNOW they are coming, and having to get up to visit my potty at least 6 times a night. Also the added symptoms from already having had a child. Ugh! I am so glad we are DONE!
So at this point, despite my being tired of being pregnant status, I am trying to ENJOY this because I know there will come a day when I will miss this. For the most part I have loved it most moments of being pregnant. It is so amazing to grow a little person inside you and connect with that baby long before you see his/her face. Compared to our lifespan 9 months is not that long and to only have it happen to me twice almost seems like its not enough.

This week I feel like I am officially ready. We have just about everything we need for the kiddo and what we are lacking can be picked up at Meijers just around the corner. Yes I still have to wash his clothes etc. but I am saving somethings for closer to time as I know I will need that.
Well I will write again in a week or two! I am off to sleep on the recliner. :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Allison's Third Birthday Week and 34 Weeks Pregnant Update

We had a fantastic week this week! It started with Valentine's Day on Monday and Allison had a little party at school, Tuesday-I know SOMETHING was happening but can't recall! Wed. was Allison's THIRD birthday! We enjoyed a mild day in Ohio, opened presents, had a minor cake catastrophe, and went to Chuck E Cheese to play, have cake, and then went to the hospital to let Allison see some newborns!!! She was very curious and seems to be really getting to the idea of babies! She is pumped up to see baby brother!!!
We would like to thank everyone for their gifts on the blog!
Mom and dad, thank you for the v reader books! Allison loved them!
Mary Wagner, thank you for the cute stuffed doggy with the blankey and pillow! It will be perfect for all the traveling we do!
Lolli and Pops, thank you for the cute tin book, box of balloons, and candy! She had a lot of fun playing with it and will in the months to come!
Aunt Ginny, Aunt Cuz, and Bev, thank you for the candy and barbie! Allison loves her barbie and has added her to the collection!
Grandma Pat and Grandpa Darrell, thank you for the birthday Big Sis PJ's and the money! We used it to go shopping and buy a cute swim suit for the summer! Thank you!
And thank you to everyone for the cards, letters, and Happy Birthday wishes! Allison is lucky to have such a loving family! :)

The pregnancy. Yeah I never really got tired of being prego last time but can I just say when you have a toddler, pregnancy is NOT AS FUN AS THE FIRST TIME! I am ready for him to come when his lungs are ready and not a minute later, but that all depends on him and the induction schedule! :) He is LOW, I am huge, and well I am still working nights occasionally and it is really starting the wear on me...the energy just doesn't exist. I continue to work out 3-4 times a week for 45 minutes of good ol sweat time on the ellipitical! I didn't do this with Allison and I am amazed at how much more weight I have on me this time. Hmm....not fair. :)

Oh and of course today is 10 YEARS that Philip and I started dating! WOW! We have been together since we were 17 for those of you that do not know how old we are! Pretty crazy to find love that young, but it did happen!