First Family Photo

First Family Photo

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Allison's Third Birthday Week and 34 Weeks Pregnant Update

We had a fantastic week this week! It started with Valentine's Day on Monday and Allison had a little party at school, Tuesday-I know SOMETHING was happening but can't recall! Wed. was Allison's THIRD birthday! We enjoyed a mild day in Ohio, opened presents, had a minor cake catastrophe, and went to Chuck E Cheese to play, have cake, and then went to the hospital to let Allison see some newborns!!! She was very curious and seems to be really getting to the idea of babies! She is pumped up to see baby brother!!!
We would like to thank everyone for their gifts on the blog!
Mom and dad, thank you for the v reader books! Allison loved them!
Mary Wagner, thank you for the cute stuffed doggy with the blankey and pillow! It will be perfect for all the traveling we do!
Lolli and Pops, thank you for the cute tin book, box of balloons, and candy! She had a lot of fun playing with it and will in the months to come!
Aunt Ginny, Aunt Cuz, and Bev, thank you for the candy and barbie! Allison loves her barbie and has added her to the collection!
Grandma Pat and Grandpa Darrell, thank you for the birthday Big Sis PJ's and the money! We used it to go shopping and buy a cute swim suit for the summer! Thank you!
And thank you to everyone for the cards, letters, and Happy Birthday wishes! Allison is lucky to have such a loving family! :)

The pregnancy. Yeah I never really got tired of being prego last time but can I just say when you have a toddler, pregnancy is NOT AS FUN AS THE FIRST TIME! I am ready for him to come when his lungs are ready and not a minute later, but that all depends on him and the induction schedule! :) He is LOW, I am huge, and well I am still working nights occasionally and it is really starting the wear on me...the energy just doesn't exist. I continue to work out 3-4 times a week for 45 minutes of good ol sweat time on the ellipitical! I didn't do this with Allison and I am amazed at how much more weight I have on me this time. Hmm....not fair. :)

Oh and of course today is 10 YEARS that Philip and I started dating! WOW! We have been together since we were 17 for those of you that do not know how old we are! Pretty crazy to find love that young, but it did happen!

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